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Pilates is an exercise method based on controlled movements, combined with conscious breathing and high concentration of the mind. Even though pilates is currently a widespread type of exercise, many people still have an idea of what kind of exercise it actually is and for whom it is intended.


What is NOT pilates:

  • it's not just for women

  • it is not a rhythmic exercise to music

  • it is not an easy boring exercise

  • it is not intended exclusively for people with physical disabilities

  • it is not an exercise intended for pregnant women


What IS Pilates:

  • compensates for a sedentary lifestyle

  • if you play sports, it is a wonderful supplement to your exercises

  • you will build strength and flexibility at the same time

  • helps to calm the mind in a hectic city day

  • it's a self-massage

  • is a healthy, fast and effective exercise

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